All Episodes

Displaying 31 - 60 of 267 in total

Water Fundraiser at the Shamanshack! - Driving to the Rez - Episode 207 - Part One

Go to Part TwoRead the Article  The vibrational frequency at the Shamanshack is much higher and stronger than other places.This fact alone, makes this location unique ...

Reviewing 2024 - Half way there... - Driving to the Rez - Episode 206 - Part One

Go to Part TwoRead the Article  In this article, and the podcast that accompanies it, I will skim over the information I revealed in Dec '23 at a public level. And dur...

Is it all about killing Short Term Memory? - Driving to the Rez - Episode 205 - Part One

Go to Part TwoRead the Article  The information on this article can send us quickly spinning into a victim/aggressor cycle. Therefore take this into consideration, and...

A Journey There and Back Again - Driving to the Rez - Episode 204 - Part One

Go to Part TwoRead the Article  An exploration of syncronicities  Topics in this episode: Syncronicities and where do they come fromNot everything is a sign or syncron...

NDEs - What do people come back with? - Driving to the Rez - Episode 203 - Part One

Go to Part TwoRead the Article  People have Near Death Experiences (NDEs) and often come back with a lot of information, or a mission, directions, orders, instructions...

When bad things happen. Is it our "fault"? - Driving to the Rez - Episode 202 - Part One

Go to Part TwoRead the Article  What is the meaning of hardship in our lives? Is it your "fault" or "karma"?  Topics in this episode: Karma is not faul or paybackBeing...

Puffer Fish reaction to other people around us - Driving to the Rez - Episode 201 - Part One

Go to Part TwoRead the Article  Dealing with our people's and our own explosive emotional reactions.  Topics covered in the episode: The Puffer Fish ReactionAn act of ...

I told you so... When we feel unheard - Driving to the Rez - Episode 200 - Part One

Go to Part TwoRead the Article  As awakened light-beings, we can see more than others can and this causes our advice to often be dismissed (usually because there is no...

When the Land Rejects you - Driving to the Rez - Episode 199 - Part One

Go to Part TwoRead the Article  At the Olympic Peninsula, we have been getting ready to deliver a workshop that teaches individuals and groups how to make a deep, info...

My latest novel - Team Whisper - Driving to the Rez - Episode 198 - Part One

Go to Part TwoRead the Article  Inelia announces the launch party of her latest novel: Team Whisper.  Topics covered in the episode How the book came aboutInelia wrote...

Feeling Rejected, Rejecting Others - Driving to the Rez - Episode 197 - Part One

Go to Part TwoRead the Article  Fear of feeling rejected is huge in our society. It drives a lot of the marketing and advertising as well as politics and social engine...

The Mystic's Fractured Mind and Identity - Driving to the Rez - Episode 196 - Part One

Go to Part TwoRead the Article  Many people in our position have gone through life separating out our interests in topics that are considered "fringe" or "too spiritua...

Psychonautics ABC - Driving to the Rez - Episode 195 - Part One

Go to Part TwoRead the Article Powerful practice for exploring the human condition, and reality itself Topics in this episode: The truth about using plants to expand y...

Trust in higher-self choices - Driving to the Rez - Episode 194 - Part One

Read the articleGo to Part TwoHow to make sure that our choices that brought about the experiences in our life are coming from our higher-self and not from some destru...

When the excitement of new experiences passes, then what? - Driving to the Rez - Episode 193 - Part One

Go to part two. Read the article.“That’s one of the main reasons why people die and are reborn.[...]To start everything fresh. To get the excitement of the newness of ...

When your body says "NO" and your soul says "YES". - Driving to the Rez - Episode 192 - Part One

Go to Part Two or Read the articleOn the Second Hour of Driving To The Rez episode “See Me, Don’t See Me”, a really good point was made by one of our panelists, Iliana...

See me, don't see me - Driving to the Rez - Episode 191 - Part One

Go to Part Two and read the article.“See me, don’t see me” is an energy that many lightworkers have. On the one hand, lightworkers are very much “people persons”. They...

Flat Earth, Round Earth, Hollow Earth or something else entirely? - Driving to the Rez - Episode 190 - Part One

Go to Part TwoThe nature of Earth is neither round nor flat. It is multidimensional and dictated by the perceptual frequency band that our physical body senses can per...

Religion and Aliens - Driving to the Rez - Episode 189 - Part One

Go To Part TwoRead the articleIn the Looking at 2024 call we talked about "bookmarks" and one of them will be Religion connected to Aliens.Topics we cover:The search f...

What it means to be HUMAN - Driving to the Rez - Episode 188 - Part One

Go to part two. Discussing our human nature and what it means to be a human being. Topics we cover: Humans as Creators of the Universe How and why we disabled ourselve...

Riding the Waves of Beginnings - Driving to the Rez - Episode 187 - Part One

Go to part two.This podcast explores other ways to prepare for a new year. Topics we cover:How to be street smart with new years resolutionsWhy it's important to make ...

Fairies, Elves and Nature Spirits - Driving to the Rez - Episode 186 - Part One

Go to part two. An exploration and classification of FairyfolkTopics we cover: Seeing gnomes and fairies,  The Shungite medallion - moved without Inelia's awareness  I...

A Brilliance of Lightworkers - Driving to the Rez - Episode 185 - Part One

Go to part two.How to best spend our energies now as a Brilliance of Lightworkers.Topics we cover:calibrating our "BS" meterRA and Law of OneHow lightworkers get distr...

Do you want to give up - Driving to the Rez - Episode 184 - Part One

Go to Part Two. Read the Article: Do you want to give up?Looking at the energy of "I give up" and how to deal with it.Topics we cover:The energy of "I give up" and the...

It's December again - Driving to the Rez - Episode 183 - Part One

Go to Part Two.Some tips, stories and examples on how to interact with sleeping friends and relatives. Updated to include the “woke” friends and relatives.Topics we co...

In My Defence - Driving to the Rez - Episode 182 - Part One

Go to Part Two Discussing the victim/aggressor cycle and how taking sides pulls you into it.Topics we cover:Becoming aware enough to even see the dynamicsWhat do peopl...

The Hidden History of Earth's Original Human Body - Sasquatch - Driving to the Rez - Episode 181.b - Full Episode

"The Gods came to the people and offered them souls. When the time came to receive the souls, all the tribes turned up to get them except one tribe. They didn’t turn u...

Sasquatch Season is back! Or did they ever leave? - Driving to the Rez - Episode 181 - Part One

Go to part two.Is reality changing or is our perception of it changing? What is it with the apparent seasonality of Sasquatch presence?Topics we cover:story: Inelia go...

Timeline Earth - Driving to the Rez - Episode 180 - Part One

Go to Part two.Inelia discusses her own experience of changing timelines.Topics we cover:What is a timelinePeople popping in and out of timelinesInelia's personal stor...

Your Enlightenment - Driving to the Rez - Episode 179 - Part One

Go to Part TwoFor the next few weeks, I am going to take turns talking a lot about Enlightenment, Ascension, Empowerment and Sovereignty. To me, they all lead to the s...

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