There and back again... we hope - Driving to the Rez - Episode 221 - Part One
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One of the things that struck us both is how radically different this land is to everything we know. It has no trees, no grass, it is dry and clay in nature. Half the parcel is made up of strange gray mounds called “adobes”. They look like gray smooth sand dunes, but the soil is not like sand. It is a bit harder and doesn’t blow in the wind. More like dry dusty clay. The mounds are locally known as “The Dobies”. A quick search on the name told us that the “Adobe Badlands” are a feature of the state of Colorado.
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One of the things that struck us both is how radically different this land is to everything we know. It has no trees, no grass, it is dry and clay in nature. Half the parcel is made up of strange gray mounds called “adobes”. They look like gray smooth sand dunes, but the soil is not like sand. It is a bit harder and doesn’t blow in the wind. More like dry dusty clay. The mounds are locally known as “The Dobies”. A quick search on the name told us that the “Adobe Badlands” are a feature of the state of Colorado.