Reviewing 2024 - Half way there... - Driving to the Rez - Episode 206 - Part One

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In this article, and the podcast that accompanies it, I will skim over the information I revealed in Dec '23 at a public level. And during the Deepdive in the second part of this podcast we can go into the uncensored items and information. 

Topics we cover: 
  • What are the Dark-Workers up to? 
  • What are the Light-Workers up up?
  • The Bookmarks for 2024
  • The link between ET and Religion
  • UFO disclosure
  • Feeling exhausted
  • AI
  • "Woo things" going mainstream
  • The Brilliance of Lightworkers

Reviewing 2024 - Half way there... - Driving to the Rez - Episode 206 - Part One
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