Wisdom Lineages Part One - What are they? - Driving to the Rez - Episode 232 - Part One
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A lineage, to me, is a bundle of wisdom and practical applications of that wisdom that a person inherits or creates to be inherited in the future.
These lineages can be passed genetically and I call these Ancestral Lineages. Others can be passed from master to student, these I call School Lineages, and some can be passed in one sitting, telepathically and energetically, through the agreement of both the lineage and the recipient. Let’s call these Field of Wisdom Lineages
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A lineage, to me, is a bundle of wisdom and practical applications of that wisdom that a person inherits or creates to be inherited in the future.
These lineages can be passed genetically and I call these Ancestral Lineages. Others can be passed from master to student, these I call School Lineages, and some can be passed in one sitting, telepathically and energetically, through the agreement of both the lineage and the recipient. Let’s call these Field of Wisdom Lineages