The Veil is Thickening - Driving to the Rez - Episode 222 - Part One
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One of the things I had to remind my students and co-creators of the new paradigm at wwmn is that nothing can happen to us without our agreement. If we forget things, it is because we chose to forget them at some level of awareness that we are subscribing to. If we get mind fog, it is because we chose to get mind fog. If we get stressed, it is because we chose to get stressed
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One of the things I had to remind my students and co-creators of the new paradigm at wwmn is that nothing can happen to us without our agreement. If we forget things, it is because we chose to forget them at some level of awareness that we are subscribing to. If we get mind fog, it is because we chose to get mind fog. If we get stressed, it is because we chose to get stressed