How can the Light and Dark see each other?(cont.) - Driving to the Rez - Episode 236 - Part One
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We are continuously taught that darkness is good for us and makes us stronger (in other words, being tortured, having a painful and oppressive experience of life, fear and terror helps us in some way), but the fact is that the nature of those experiences is meant to disable us. They do not empower us in any way or form. And they do not empower our planet or our species. When we set ourselves against another person or group, and go out of our way to hurt them, do we do it to make them stronger? No, we do not
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We are continuously taught that darkness is good for us and makes us stronger (in other words, being tortured, having a painful and oppressive experience of life, fear and terror helps us in some way), but the fact is that the nature of those experiences is meant to disable us. They do not empower us in any way or form. And they do not empower our planet or our species. When we set ourselves against another person or group, and go out of our way to hurt them, do we do it to make them stronger? No, we do not