Dealing with Friends and Family 2024... - Driving to the Rez - Episode 225 - Part One
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Every December, I send a newsletter on how to deal with your family and friends during the holiday season. I also send a link to the video I made several years ago, to help you with it. This year, we will also have a podcast about it.
We will be adding additional commentary for this year, 2024. Make sure to listen to the podcast as well as the second hour with our panelists to get the best experience while you also support our work
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Every December, I send a newsletter on how to deal with your family and friends during the holiday season. I also send a link to the video I made several years ago, to help you with it. This year, we will also have a podcast about it.
We will be adding additional commentary for this year, 2024. Make sure to listen to the podcast as well as the second hour with our panelists to get the best experience while you also support our work