A Brilliance of Lightworkers - Driving to the Rez - Episode 185 - Part One
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How to best spend our energies now as a Brilliance of Lightworkers.
How to best spend our energies now as a Brilliance of Lightworkers.
Topics we cover:
- calibrating our "BS" meter
- RA and Law of One
- How lightworkers get distracted and sidetracked
- People in health stores
- Our game is inspiration, collaboration, growth, and discernment
- We still walk in a shared reality
- The call to "Not go to battle" is often misunderstood
- The power of Logo symbols
- Is Mercedes Benz still an HF company?
- Conflict vs Choice - there is a difference
- HF experiment - building a city in Second Life
- Don't feed the dark side