The podcast where you learn how to get to your roots and take your power back. Be it UFOs, Sasquatch, Artificial Intelligence, Shamanism or Crystals no topic is off limits for Driving to the Rez.

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The Nature of Reality and Your Place in it - Driving to the Rez - Episode 237 - Part One

Go to Part TwoRead the Article  Reality is defined by our bandwidth of perception.  It is also co-created by sentiency at different levels of self awareness 

How can the Light and Dark see each other?(cont.) - Driving to the Rez - Episode 236 - Part One

Go to Part TwoRead the Article  We are continuously taught that darkness is good for us and makes us stronger (in other words, being tortured, having a painful and opp...

How can the Light and Dark see each other? - Driving to the Rez - Episode 235 - Part One

Go to Part TwoRead the Article  On a recent comment on my Telegram Channel, one of my long term readers and supporters, Veronica Volkers, asked a question that not onl...

Is your reality correctly perceived? - Driving to the Rez - Episode 234 - Part One

Go to Part TwoRead the Article  Is your reality correctly perceived?  Once a person starts asking themselves that question, even if once a day, the power-over-others m...

Mystical Implications of Owning Land - Driving to the Rez - Episode 233 - Part One

Go to Part TwoRead the Article  Most wars happen to conquer land or land resources. When a group of people are conquered, often the first thing that happens is a push ...

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