The podcast where you learn how to get to your roots and take your power back. Be it UFOs, Sasquatch, Artificial Intelligence, Shamanism or Crystals no topic is off limits for Driving to the Rez.

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Mystical Implications of Owning Land - Driving to the Rez - Episode 233 - Part One

Go to Part TwoRead the Article  Most wars happen to conquer land or land resources. When a group of people are conquered, often the first thing that happens is a push ...

Wisdom Lineages Part One - What are they? - Driving to the Rez - Episode 232 - Part One

Go to Part TwoRead the Article  A lineage, to me, is a bundle of wisdom and practical applications of that wisdom that a person inherits or creates to be inherited in ...

Wisdom Keeper's Knowing vs Evidence - Driving to the Rez - Episode 231 - Part One

Go to Part TwoRead the Article  Why do some people have experience, or internal knowing, that provides unshakable belief in woo, while others hear, read and discuss th...

Enlightenment and Awareness - Driving to the Rez - Episode 230 - Part One

Go to Part TwoRead the Article  As a wisdom seeker, the main tool I use to advance my studies is to explore questions asked by other wisdom seekers. Without interestin...

This is why I find you interesting - Driving to the Rez - Episode 229 - Part One

Go to Part TwoRead the Article  One of the things we looked at was who was our audience and who we wanted as our audience. Who was it we wanted to have a continued con...

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